Thursday, December 06, 2007

GAJ Ventures

SEO services

EVM News

My overall vision of the project is to hopefully someday publish offline as a small but highly respected competitor to the Gazette. This is many years away if ever at all. In the interim, I do want to offer an online edition that accomplishes the same goal. I suspect that as we chart the path towards that kind of established respectability, we will undergo a series of metamorphosis’.

Initially, the tone of the publication will be entirely dependent on the skill levels of the writers, and the topics that they choose to write about. It should take appx 6 months just to get a full slate of writers on board contributing regularly. During this build up phase, readership and advertising interests will build up almost on a parallel path on the graph. There will come a time in appx 6 months, that revenues will allow us to start paying the better writers for their contributions. Within 18 months, the hope is that most of our writers will be on staff so that we can demand a certain level of professionalism; with that will come a better class of advertisier.

That’s about as far out for now as the plan goes. Keep in mind that the situation is fluid and we remain open to ideas and other possible avenues.

Oh, we are also on the lookout for a better publishing tool than the one we are currently using.